Amphi theatre


This library is a work in progress, intended for use by sortition advocates to assist in preparation of presentations for slideshows, websites, social media, and other modalities. The library is organised into folders by topic. The images may be downloaded and used without charge. For Privacy Policy please see here.


Access the library by clicking the above link. The library is organised by topic folders, each containing thematically grouped images. An index document in each folder lists the images contained along with their known history. Please consider the history carefully before using the images. Some are COPYRIGHTED. You may need to credit the source, or request permission to use. (Image inclusion in unpublished, educational slide decks is fair use.)


You can add images to the library by clicking on the above link. This will take you to an upload form, where we'll need your name, email, the image category, and some image provenance (history), that is, what you know about its source, who should be credited, and any permissions necessary for use. Your uploaded images will be added to the library within 48 hours.

For questions, please contact Terry Boricious ( or Wayne Liebman (