sortition and socialism

Online Conference

Featured Presenter

Dr. Camila Vergara is a critical legal theorist, historian, and journalist from Chile writing on the relation between inequality and the law, and on alternative institutional solutions to systemic corruption. She is Senior Lecturer at University of Essex Business School, Editor of Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, Associate Editor of Critical Sociology, and author of Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic (Princeton University Press 2020).

In her work on constitutional theory, republicanism, and corruption, she advocates for council democracy and sortition-based plebeian institutions as part of a counterpower structure against oligarchy. In addition to her scholarly work, Dr. Vergara is a global public intellectual and an activist advising and collaborating with grassroots organisations on rights, deliberative democracy, and community-based forms of governance.

Violeta Garrido

Department of Philosophy at the University of Granada
Talk title: The epistemic demands of representative democracy: A Critique of the Oligarchic Degenerations of Elections

Christiana Mauro

Senior Advisor at the Biosphere Institute (Geneva)
Talk title: From grand cause platforms to embedded constituent power

Suryamayi Clarence-Smith

University lecturer, academic and action researcher, policy officer and community engagement consultant based in the intentional community Auroville (India)
Talk title: Evolving Prefigurative Politics in an Intentional Community: The Auroville Citizens' Assembly Pilot

INSA is a volunteer organisation aimed at connecting pro-sortition academics, advocates, and activists around the world, to share resources and tactics and advance the theoretical understanding of sortition.

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